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Building a Data Foundation: Using Data to Make Informed Operational Decisions
Tuesday, March 26, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Category: Events

Building a Data Foundation:
Using Data to Make Informed Operational Decisions

Cost: Free

Supported by The State Justice Institute

The purpose of this webinar is to provide assessment centers with guidance on some data collection basics that will allow you to use the information you collect at your AC to make informed decisions around operations and practices. The webinar will discuss:

  • Developing a data/outcomes team
  • Identifying key datapoints for review
  • Ensuring accuracy of your data
  • Using the data to inform policy and practice
  • Determining the need for an ‘outside evaluator’

The presentation will also feature real-world examples of how jurisdictions used the data they collected to identify areas of success, interest, or concern.

Speaker: Dr. Jeff Kretschmar; Consultant
