Assessment Center Outcome Reporting Network (ACORN)

The Assessment Center Outcome and Reporting Network (ACORN) initiative was established to create more consistent performance and outcome measures for Assessment Centers nationwide. The National Assessment Center Association (NAC) in collaboration with the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) and Dr. Jeff Kretschmar - herein referred to as the TTA Team - worked to support a cohort of six (6) Assessment Centers (listed below) to assess data capacities and capabilities in order to identify opportunities to align performance and outcomes to the Assessment Center Framework. The development of consistent performance and outcome measures allows the NAC and Assessment Center community to assess impacts on prevention, diversion, and early intervention and is a necessary step prior to broad scale evaluation of the Assessment Center Framework. This project started by conducting a wide-scale review of Assessment Centers ’ information systems and data capacity. It then identified six (6) Assessment Centers with varying capacities to participate in training and technical assistance, identify gaps in data collection, and create “ action plans ” that identify enhancement and improvement goals. The TTA Team worked with the cohort to complete mock ACORN reports. Following the completion of each section, the cohort convened to discuss challenges, successes, and actionable ways to improve data collection and quality assurance.


Click here to read the full report.